Take action
Sanitary pads win 6 weeks of school for a girl...... annually!

Interested in changing the world? Looking for the opportunity to gain work experience while making a difference? An internship with Upendo Women’s Foundation presents such opportunities and more.
The Upendo Women’s Foundation Team is comprised of numerous volunteers worldwide. Volunteers bring strong skills, enthusiasm and a much needed support to our work. As an organization we value our volunteer’s contributions greatly.
Upendo Women’s Foundation has numerous unpaid internships and volunteer opportunities available to interested individuals and students. To apply for an internship or volunteer position, please email us at info@upendowomensfoundation.org
Sewing not your expertise?
Too busy this month?
How else can you help?
Sponsor a UWF Volunteer.
Our dedicated volunteers not only donate their time but their valuable resources making shields, liners, and bags for kits. You can help by going to the Donate Page and make a secure contribution to Upendo. Your donation will help us to address issues facing the girls and women worldwide, while highlighting the work of courageous people making an impact. Upendo will get these resources to the women who sew products on a regular basis.
Donate Kit Items or Fabric
Contact us via email or phone. Donate any of the items necessary to complete a kit or fabric.
Create Drop-ins
You can purchase washcloths, panties (Girls size 10,12,14, 16) Gallon sized freezer Ziploc baggies (the best source for this is at Costco or Sam’s if they are available where you are). Drop-Ins made easy by Angela Sherwin!
Help Assemble Kits
Contact us via phone or email and we will connect you with an assembly team leader. Assembly nights include cutting fabric for a sewist or volunteer your specific talents to help.
Talk about this important issue
Tell your friends – The strength of our members allows us to make a global difference. Spread the word about Upendo and share the message on Facebook and Twitter. Raise Awareness contact us for a Stand UP for Girls Toolkit or FUNdraise Toolkit
Find and Recommend Events
Find and recommend events to support our solutions. Meet and network with members of the Upendo Foundation community. Browse our calendar of events promoting the most innovative solutions for women and girls.
Sign Up for Update
Stay at the forefront of women’s issues and get involved in the global search for solutions. Join the community of supporters working toward women’s empowerment worldwide.
You have other talents to share.
Contact us with your ideas today!